Sunday, August 12, 2007

Update in Tania-ville

I'm about 3 months post-graduation, and almost 2 months into my new job. It's been a ride filled with God's amazing grace. Although, I would prefer not to commute 40 minutes to an hour each way each day, I love being with my family. I could not be more grateful for my job, and the wonderful servants of God that I am PRIVILEGED to know and work alongside. I am so amazed, challenged, and encouraged by their faith, their love for God, their kingdom-mindset, their lives in general. My boss Dr. Doug Stringer is a man whose life is worth learning from and imitating (as He imitates Christ). It would be a long post to talk about his life, but definitely one worth asking me about. I'm so honored to be working for Him, but ultimately for his master-Jesus Christ.

I've been helping complete a disaster prepardness and response manual, and we've had our first Houston-area training for churches and ministries last Saturday. We are now preparing for our annual summit and benefit banquet in October. This is a time for all our chapters, ministry partners and affiliates to come together and share the amazing outreach and compassion work they have been doing in their communities. I've moved into more of a role of chapter laison (making sure we're servicing on chapters well, getting reports from them...internal marketing in a sense). The most exciting part though, is getting in on the "fron lines" (i.e. getting to particpate in praying with people who call our office, helping single moms find jobs and other assistance so they providide for their children... the list goes on, and its such joy to have people say, "Wow, you really care...You are the first person to take the time to really help me!" I've heard it more than once. It's awesome how God can use us to be a real and tangible expression of his love for them.

This past Saturday, I got to teach a computer class for Hispanic pastors (in Spanish)...My bestest friend Lydia Jones, taught it last week, and we can both testify what a joy it was be able to use the skills we've been blessed to acquire for the benefit of others.
Back in Pearland, I'm involved in a small group bible study through my church on Thursday evenings. We're going through Jold Eldrege's book The Sacred Romance. On Saturdays I have the joy of teaching children's church to 3 and 4 year olds (hence the picture to this post). What great things God teaches me through this precious children who love so unconditionally. They don't hold back in their affection...It's awesome to see and a challenge to imitate. For example, I was up front leading the kids in some songs, when out of the blue, a precious little girl comes up to me, give me a hug (no words said) and then returns to her place and continues to sing. So spontaneous, so pure!

Sundays is my day to rest and spend at home...It's beautifully turning into a day where I can (interuption-free) spend time in God's Word, with God, and with afternoon nap is popular on this day too!

On a Shawn note, he is awesome as ever. Still sailing on the grand seas, in leadership on the cruise ship's Christian fellowship, and of course drumming it up. He visits me again in the first week of October. He is a joy and blessing...we learn so much from each other. I love being a part of His life, and having him as part of mine. On October 5th, it will be 2 years exactly from the day we met on the Continental flight to Calgary.

This update is quickly becoming long, so I'll end it now. Blessings and love to all!

1 comment:

lyd said...

Awesome update, dear Tania. You do so much, you wear me out by just reading it!! haha
Love, Lyd