Shawn and I were blessed with the opportunity to spend two entire weeks visiting family in Houston over Christmas. The weekend after we arrived we were blessed to see my brother marry his college sweetheart Veronica. We enjoyed a beautiful wedding in the company of dozens of family members from Mexico and various parts of the U.S.

After Christmas much of the family that had come to join us for the wedding had returned to their homes, which mean that my parent's home went from 20 or so people to 5. A bit of a drastic change to the social atmosphere, but we didn't mind the rest and quiet after we got used to it. And we got to sleep in a bed, now that they were available!

So with most family gone and not a whole lot we wanted to do in town, Shawn and I developed an obsession with scrabble (we have to admit that we are still playing it 1 or 2 - or more- times a week!). Pretty soon we had my dad and mom joining the fun. It was also one of the highlites of our New Year's Eve Party- I know, pretty lame.
The two weeks also allowed us to hang out lots with my dear friend Lydia - I even convinced her to come to my family's New Year's Eve party. She is such a good sport. We enjoyed scrabble with her as well, as well as some other weird games (I already forgot the name - I just remember it had something to do with rolling little pig figurines).

Toward the end of the trip, we were happy share in my tia's (aunt's) good news that after lots and lots of waiting and visits to fertility specialist, she and her husband are having a baby!! This news came after a few weeks (not sure about the time?) of her mustering up the guts to ask her pastor to pray for God to bless her with a child. There is so much more to this story that make it a sweet miracle - I am not at liberty to share more, but suffice to say that the God's timing was perfect. We were so blessed to have been able to be there when the news was unveiled!
So now we are back home, looking forward to another year of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are part of a wonderful church family at Calvary Grace Church...We anticipate each Sunday with great gratitude for how we will be equipped through the ministry of God's Word to serve and love Christ.