Whooeee, Summer is here and speeding by. I love Calgary summers, except for that one huge dip on June 1st when it snowed, but I guess that wasn't technically Summer yet. In any case, the beautiful sunny and warmer days are amazing, and finally, finally the coats and gloves and boots are stored away - for a while anyway.
Shawn finished the school year at Ambrose University, and Lord willing, he will be graduating next April. What's next after that? We are asking that same question t0o, so stay tuned. I'm 8 plus months into my job as fund developer (a.k.a. fundraiser) for Sonshine and still so grateful to have found this neat organization. It's a marvalous blessing to love your career.
Shawn and I celebrated our ONE YEAR anniversary this past May! Wohoo! We went on a little weekend geteway to the mountain in Canmore. It was tons of fun, and even including playing on a three-story indoor water slide.

In early July I was able to go to Houston for a short visit to see my family. I decide to go a week before, booked some air miles, and was off! It was awesome, and boy did I realize how much I missed Mexican food. I still dream about my daddy's fajitas. I also got to hang out with my best friend Lyd and some other sweet friends. My older brother if finally tying the knot in December, so Lord willing, we are planning to return in December for a two-week visit.

Good to be home - Me and my familia

Our dear friends Adam and Megan got engaged in May, and we are excited to be in the wedding party. They will be saying "I do" in late August, so the rest of the bridesmaids and I are having a blast buying bridesmaid's gear, planning showers. I'm so excited for this precious couple. Our other "best couple"friends Victor and Crystal welcomed their first baby into the world in May too - she is sooo cute, and it's been so fun getting to hang out with them and seeing how in love they are with baby Emmie.
There's it is. My blogging come back. Love until soon!