Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27.
I've read that so many times, and although its clear as day, I don't think my "religion" consists enough of looking after the "orphan and widow." Maybe not out of desire, but just ignorance of the practicality of it. If your're feeling like me, I have some advice: Family Life (familylife.com) had a series of great messages during their "The Cry of the Orphan" Campaign. Two in particular, given my Rick Warren, were very enlightening, and I recommend every Christian check them out. Apparently, God is VERY concerned for the orphan and oppressed. And therefore, so should we. Immediately, I want to run out an adopt a dozen kids, but that's obviously not something I can do yet (Shawn, don't get scared). However, there is much singles can do to defend the orphan, and it doesn't involve adoption. Family Life has a brochure called "Ten Ways Every Christian Can Care for the Orphan and Waiting Child." It's Free to order, and has some really practical and unique ideas. I'll share one that I had no idea exsisted and think is very cool:
Speak up for them: Ever wonder how to put all those fun years of college to even greater use? Start to thank God for those speech classes! It turn out there are organizations that train regular people to be Court Appointed Special Advocates for children in foster care. These volunteers get to know a child, his/her case, etc and speak to the court on their behalf. Visit www.natinalcasa.org for more details and to find an office near you.
Don't forget to get the Family Life brochure. It has more great great ideas!
CJ Mahaney’s Christmas Book List 2017
7 years ago